Next Milestone, Achieved

We are pleased to inform you that a new milestone has been achieved. The tax court has invited us to present our 6 test cases during an oral hearing. The hearings are scheduled in January 2024 at the tax court of Haarlem. The court will handle our cases with three judges, which implies that they treat this as a complicated case or a case with a large impact (otherwise there would have been just one judge). Our 6 cases will be handled one by one (for privacy reasons), but in a row. In total, the court has reserved 3 hours for the hearings. After the hearing, the court is expected to take a decision within 6 weeks. 

You can expect a brief update from us after the hearings to summarize how the hearings went, and then again an update after we learn of the decision of the court. For now, let's keep our fingers crossed and please be assured that the legal team continues to work on our case at full speed in preparing for the hearings.