Dear UENL Community,
A version of this post was also shared via the Google Groups.
To briefly recap the situation: The Belastingdienst, thus far, remains unwilling to come to an agreement regarding the representation of all members that are affected by the 30Rule law change. They have suggested a process that is cumbersome (monthly letters; post mail; per person); costly (49 euro monthly appeals; post mail; per person); and simply counter to the the lessons learned in recent months on the importance of ensuring individuals have a manageable and fair means of objecting.
The decision from the meeting: We have agreed with the legal team to a 3-point plan which includes (1) formal response from legal team which offers a reasonable counterplan, (2) response from all community members, and if needed (3) other voice-raising efforts.
What does this mean for you? We cannot do this part alone. We need your help. In the coming days, we will have a website space with detailed directions for you. This will include (1) a proforma letter (akin to a letter of intent) that we will need you to PRINT, SIGN, and MAIL <must be paper> and (2) a web form that notes your support of the proforma letter that we will need to you similarly review, digitally sign, and submit. There will be detailed directions on the website. Taxperience is preparing the letter now, and we are working on the web support for this.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead