TOPIC: Updates from the UENL Council

DATE: 28 June

ACTION FOR YOU: Follow Action Points on Website

The UENL Council met on Tuesday night, and we wanted to share the main highlights from the meeting:

We have submitted an open letter to Menno Snel and the Finance Committee to share general updates, highlight more of YOUR personal stories, and ensure that our open dialogue continues. This letter will be published online in the coming days for you to review.

Work continues with many different companies here in the NL. Updates from the corporate space are a bit slower as these necessarily are often confidential in nature, but as we have official announcements, we will continue to share them here.

We are hoping for one or 2 stories during the summer recess period that highlight the personal side in more detail, and also ideally connect with an international audience. We are also considering increased placement of op-eds. If you have any suggested outlets, please do share this information with Jessica. Jessica can also assist you with an op-ed if you are considering to go this route. Also note that we are continuing to rely on the STORIES page of our website to help with sharing our side, so the more of these we have, the better.

As a council, we have sketched out a detailed plan that highlights all of our next steps between now, Prinsjesdag, and beyond. This includes several different plans based on what we learn on Prinsjesdag. We will be sure to continue our practice of transparency with each step we take. And, we will be sure to notify you well in advance of any events that we organize.

*For You, For Now
As you wait, please do check out the Take Action section of our website where you can learn the many different things that you can do now to help aid our efforts.

Should you have any questions, of course, do not hesitate to contact any of the Council members.