TOPIC: Council Meeting Update

DATE: 13 May

ACTION FOR YOU: Sign and share the petition!

DETAILS: The council met last night to discuss next steps and our strategy moving forward. You should expect to see several ‘calls to action’ over the next 2 weeks as we prepare for delivering our Petition to Parliament. Here is what you need to know now:

1. MARKETING COORDINATION: Edits to the video are underway, with an expected release date of 18 May. Mike AW is our lead here.

2. COMMUNICATION COORDINATION: we will be continuing our roll-out with the press and will calling on you at different times to share your stories. Our new website will be launched 14 May (tomorrow). Jessica Taylor Piotrowski is our lead here.

3. SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATION: we will be strategically using social media as part of our outreach and organization. We will also be working to clean up this page to ensure it remains useful to you. Ashley Vinson is working her magic on this right now.

4. CORPORATE OUTREACH: Engelbert Felberthann is continuing to liaison with corporations and unions throughout the NL to solicit support for our cause. There has been significant movement in this area which we are optimistic about.

5. POLITICAL OUTREACH: Massimiliano Barone will be working to liaison within the political sphere to develop relationships and determine what support is possible. We hope to have dates on the calendar with key members as soon as possible.

6. LEGAL COORDINATION. We have identified a member of this group to take over the legal coordination role. She will join the council shortly. Mike and Massi are meeting with lawyers this week to ensure we have appropriate representation on hand, as well as a potential legal sentiment drafted.

7. PETITION TURN-OVER: we are still waiting on final approval, but assuming this goes through, we will deliver the petition (publicly, with 100 persons) to Parliament on 29 May.  Pavithra Selvam will provide you relevant information as soon as we have it.

We have several other projects in the works, including project “Real Stories”, which we will unveil as soon as we have the logistics worked out.

For now, one of the most helpful things you can do is SIGN THE PETITION and SHARE THE PETITION so we get as many signatures as possible. Can we hit 30,000? Even more? Please consider sharing the petition on all of your networks. The more signatures we have, the more visible our network of support is. There is power in numbers.