Network engineer from romania
Ever since my parents got me, with huge efforts, a computer in 1994 (I was 14), I could not stay away from it for more than few hours.
Ever since I first saw the Netherlands in 2005 - we came here visiting my best friend for our honeymoon! - I could not stop thinking about this beautiful country.
... fast forward to a cold November 2010, when a big multinational company, having tried in the past and failed once, was finally able to convince me on their second try to come here and work for them, relocating me, my wife, a few boxes of stuff, my guitar and my computer. It was the beginning of a beautiful adventure.
I have now been working here for 7 years and a half, advancing my career and trying to give my best for my employers and the society that adopted us. My son was born a short while after we moved here and he is completely bilingual, attending a local Dutch school (non-international), playing the piano, learning chess and cycling as much as he can. Unfortunately due to some barriers my wife's carreer in Medicine is currently on hold, but there are also good things coming out of this (like increased attention and care for the little one). I was also happy to be accepted here as a "knowledge migrant"; although not a legal requirement for that status, I am holding expert-level certifications in my field of Network Engineering where the skilled workers are extremely scarce on the local job market. And obviously I've also got the 30% ruling which helped offset a bit the cost of living here for us (as it also does for many Dutch people, a detail sometimes left out).
I always knew that the 30% ruling would end at some point - but, as written on my official paper from IND, that was supposed to happen in couple of years from now not in 6 months... Like many other people, decisions were taken based on that rule, decisions that now have to be abruptly ammended, breaking our trust in the Dutch government and putting our future here under questioning - including the short term future. This change looks even more incomprehensible if I am to consider my experience as technical manager trying to hire people in my field and at times being unable to find even medium-skilled professional let alone highly-skilled.
I think the government is right to decide on any change to the tax policy if they consider that is the correct thing to do. I would even support such changes as I too am interested to live in a country that thrives! However, breaking existing promises is completely unfair as new rules should only impact new applicants.
We should have never needed to point out to anybody that A DEAL IS A DEAL.